Bridging the Divide Program: Kentucky’s Native History

Описание к видео Bridging the Divide Program: Kentucky’s Native History

Recorded November 15, 2022.

What do we know about Kentucky’s Native history and how far back it dates? As part of our exhibition The Commonwealth: Divided We Fall, we know Native Peoples first arrived in the land we now call Kentucky more than 12,000 years ago. As we commemorate Native American Heritage Month, we’ve assembled a panel of experts to give us the facts, dispel the myths, and show us what has been uncovered to reveal the truth. What tribes were here? How did they live and what happened to them? And what about current day in Kentucky and beyond and the stories still unfolding? We’re also inviting guests in our audience to share their native stories.


Mike Berry, Secretary of the Kentucky Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet


Anne Bader, Principal Investigator, Corn Island Archaeology LLC

A. Gwynn Henderson, Education Director, Kentucky Archaeological Survey

LaDonna Brown, Director of Research and Cultural Interpretation, The Chickasaw Nation; Consultant for The Commonwealth: Divided We Fall

Fred Nez-Keams, Navajo Flute Player

Rachel Platt, Director of Community Engagement, Frazier History Museum


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