How to use LCD Keypad for copy and download the parameters for VFD?

Описание к видео How to use LCD Keypad for copy and download the parameters for VFD?

First we begin from parameters copy.
Press MUNU and UP/DOWN to go into the “parameters copy/default setting;
Press CHOOSE to go into parameters storage areas then we go to the BACKUP area: BACKUP01 and press CHOOSE and press “function parameter upload to keypad” and then press CONFIRMATION and it will display “BACKUP01 parameters is uploading” with the process bar. When it displays “BACKUP01 parameters upload completed” please press CONFIRMATION and the operation is finished.
Please connect the keypad to the VFD which needs to copy the parameters.
Please use the same process to go into the COPY area which we have three download mode.
The first mode is FULL function download of keypad which means download all the parameters;
The second mode is non-motor parameters download of keypad which means except P02.00 to P03.00 motor parameters others need to be download;
The third mode is MOTOR parameters download which means only needs to download the motor parameters. Please choose the one which you need and press CONFIRMATION to make sure until it is completed.
Please be notice that all the parameters will covered after download the new parameters. Please take care of using the function of download parameters.


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