Preston Dennett's Interstellar Insights: On Love, Light, & Levitation

Описание к видео Preston Dennett's Interstellar Insights: On Love, Light, & Levitation

In life, we occasionally encounter individuals who exude beauty and love, and for me, Preston Dennett is one such person. Listen as we embark on an intergalactic journey of discovery with Preston Dennett as he shares his profound 'Interstellar Insights' on love, light, levitation, and encounters beyond our earthly realm. Join us for an illuminating exploration into the mysteries of the cosmos, where UFOs, paranormal phenomena, and spiritual awakenings converge. From captivating encounters to thought-provoking revelations, prepare to expand your consciousness and venture into the unknown. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of our place in the universe and the profound connections that bind us all together.

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About Preston Dennett
Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. Several of his books have been Amazon UFO bestsellers. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines, including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine, Phenomena Magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist, and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages, including German, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, Coast-to-Coast, and also the History Channel’s Deep Sea UFOs, UFO Hunters, and Ancient Aliens. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News, and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures.



00:00 Introduction and Background
01:11 Transition to Belief in UFOs and Paranormal
07:00 Experiences with Ghosts and Out-of-Body Experiences
11:49 Teaching Out-of-Body Experiences
13:48 Overcoming Fear and Embracing Love
21:58 Continual Learning and Progress
25:47 The Possibility of Levitation
28:40 Engaging with Life and Following Excitement
32:26 The Importance of Awakening to the Existence of ETs
36:38 Shining Light on the Counterfeit and Embracing Oneness
40:20 The Power of Meditation and Engaging with the Universe
44:13 Manifestation and Setting Intentions
45:53 The Power of Love and Kindness
46:38 Resonance and the Ripple Effect
48:30 The Importance of Forgiveness
50:43 The Beauty and Mystery of the Universe
52:05 Exploring the Inner World
53:03 Receiving Messages and Guidance
54:29 Personal Experiences with Loved Ones
57:05 The Existence of ETs Among Us
01:18:06 Overcoming Fear and Embracing Love
01:19:41 Upcoming Books and Projects

Host:Biba Logan
if you've had an encounter that you'd like to share please contact biba
[email protected]


#love #Light #levitation #ETs #PrestonDennett #CosmicExploration #ParanormalEncounters #SpiritualJourney #ExtraterrestrialInsights #PodcastConversation #MetaphysicalExploration #ConsciousnessAwakening #MysteriesUnveiled #obe #outofbody #outofbodyexperience #ConversationsWithConsciousness #bibalogan #thebibafrequency


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