Cthulhu Dark Arts Tarot

Описание к видео Cthulhu Dark Arts Tarot

My review of Cthulhu Dark Arts Tarot by Fortifem pub. Cernunnos an imprint of Abrams Inc. 2021

From the World of H.P. Lovecraft , subtitle.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft 1890 - 1937

The heart of H.P Lovecraft's work lies with the Cthulhu mythos: A pantheon of gods and monstrous beings from beyond the cosmos and the dawn of time which surface to reclaim this world.

Fortifem are Adrien Havet and Jesse Daubertes , artists.
Author Maxime Le Dain , guidebook.
Maxime Le Dain is a highly regarded and world renowned scholar of the Lovecraft mythos.

The large cards of this deck are in the style of the Visconti Sforza size.
This deck was available in several editions on Kickstarter before the mass market version shown in the video.



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