Bioshock 2 Ending - Good

Описание к видео Bioshock 2 Ending - Good

This is the ending for Bioshock 2 where you save all the little sisters and you don't kill any of the main plotline characters when given the opportunity.

My Review:
This game has really superseded my expectations. When I heard that there was a sequel to the original Bioshock coming out, I was pretty psyched, as the atmosphere and gameplay is really quite unique to these games. When it came out, I waited at the store for close to 3 hours before it was available for pick up, and I tested it as soon as I walked into my home. You are immediately plunged into the action, with no introduction to who or where you are. As the plot progresses slowly, you get an idea of the vastness of the city and the antics that went on as you pass through various areas such as Ryan Amusements, The Adonis Baths and Fontaine Futuristics. The music and soundtrack are as good as ever, and despite the somewhat odd plot line, there is definitely a sense of achievement and happiness when you finish the game. One thing that can be said about it, this game is noticeably shorter than the original Bioshock, but if you get as engaged and en-captivated as I did, you will never realize until you look at the clock and see that no time has gone by. All in all, this game was certainly worth the wait, and most definitely worth the money. Bioshock 2 is a new experience with its differences and similarities to the original that make it such a nice and smooth game. This game should without question, be on the "To Purchase" list for 2010.


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