Ukrainian monument to friendship with Russia demolished.

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Brothers no more? After standing in a Kiev park for two decades, a Ukrainian monument to friendship with Russia was demolished.

A memorial to Kiev and Moscow's long-standing friendship, erected in 2001, has been demolished after years of vandalism by pro-Ukrainian nationalists, a liberal opposition local city councilor revealed on Sunday.

Alina Mikhailova of the pro-Western Golos party celebrated the destruction of the monument, which had stood in the city's Goloseevsky district for 20 years, on Facebook.

It has recently been defaced with blue and yellow paint, as well as nationalist slogans like 'Slava Ukraini' – 'Glory to Ukraine.'

"The monument of friendship with Moscow has been dismantled," Mikhailova wrote. "This piece of granite is no longer in Kiev. And this is our victory."

The councilor also stated that the monument is now being kept by the district administration and will be displayed in the "museum of totalitarianism" one day.

She also claimed that "any place glorifying an occupying state" is "spitting on the souls" of thousands of Ukrainians who have died.

Moscow, according to Kiev authorities, is currently occupying parts of eastern Ukraine's Donbass region. Relations between the two capitals have deteriorated since the 2014 Maidan events, which eventually led to the current conflict when the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk declared independence, which neither Moscow nor Kiev recognized.

In July, the decision was made to demolish the monument.

Last week, a top adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky proposed renaming the country 'Rus-Ukraine,' a branding that would distinguish them as Russians distinct from Moscow. Alexey Arestovich claimed on YouTube that Ukrainians are actually the real Russians.

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