CLASSICAL MANAGEMENT THEORIES EXPLAINED IN HINDI | Max Weber, Henri Fayol and Fredrick Taylor | ppt

Описание к видео CLASSICAL MANAGEMENT THEORIES EXPLAINED IN HINDI | Max Weber, Henri Fayol and Fredrick Taylor | ppt




This video consists of the following:

1. Concept of Organizational theories in hindi (What are organizational theories)?

2. Concept of Classical management theories in hindi

3. Pillars of classical Theory :
i. Division of labor
ii. Hierarchy
iii. Standardized approach to work
iv. Centralization of authority
v. Separation of personal and work life
vi. Select the best employees
vii. Fair wages

4. Types of Classical Theories :
i. Bureaucratic Theory of Management (Max Weber)
ii. Administrative Management Theory (Henri Fayol)
iii. Theory of Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor)

5. Bureaucratic Theory of Management (Max Weber) explained in hindi (What is bureaucracy?)

6. Problems in Bureaucratic Theory of Management

7. Administrative Management Theory (Henri Fayol) explained in hindi

8. Functions of a Manager in hindi :
i. Planning
ii. Organizing
iii. Commanding
iv. Coordinating
v. Controlling

9. Explained : 14 Principles of Management in hindi :
i. Division of Labor
ii. Authority
iii. Discipline 
iv. Unity of Command
v. Unity of Direction
vi. Subordination of Individual Interest
vii. Remuneration 
viii. Centralization and Decentralization  
ix. Line of Authority (Scalar Chain)
x. Order 
xi. Equity 
xii. Stability of Tenure
xiii. Initiative 
xiv. Esprit de Corps (sense of unity)

10. Theory of Scientific Management (Frederick Taylor) Explained in hindi

11. Principles of Scientific Management in hindi :
i. Select methods based on science, not “rule of thumb.”
ii. Assign workers jobs based on their aptitudes
iii. Monitor worker performance
iv. Properly divide the workload between managers and workers

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