Corsica cover - Christina Ioannidi

Описание к видео Corsica cover - Christina Ioannidi

Original artist: Petru Guelfucci
No copyright harm intended.

Piano: Stefanos Kozanis
Cello: Kaiti Pantzari
Sound engineer: Petros Petropoulos - Polyphoniki Studio
Cover photo: George - Omiros Christakos

Lyrics in corsican
In un scornu di lu mondu,
Ci hè un lucucciu tenerezza
Ind'u mio core, maestosu,
Imbalsama di purezza
Ghjuvellu di maraviglie,
Ùn ne circate sumiglie,
Ùn truverete la para ;
Ghjè ùnica, sola è cara.

Face sempre tant'inviglia
Ssu scogliu ciottu in mare,
Tesoru chì spampilla
Sacru cume un altare.
Calma, dolce cum'agnella,
Generosa è accugliente,
Si rivolta è si ribella
S'omu disprezza a so ghjente.

Lyrics translated in english

In a corner of the world
There's a sparkle of tenderness
Inside my heart, majestic
It fills you with purity
Jewel of wonders
don't look for similars
you won't find another one alike
It's unique, alone and dear.


It had always waken up so much desire
This piece of rock in the middle of the sea
Shining treasure
Sacred as an altar.
Calm, sweet like a lamb
It arises, it revolts
If we despise its people.


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