[ENG SUB] 从“历史罪人”到印尼总统:普拉博沃的“双面人生” Prabowo's Many Political Incarnations | 世界大解说

Описание к видео [ENG SUB] 从“历史罪人”到印尼总统:普拉博沃的“双面人生” Prabowo's Many Political Incarnations | 世界大解说






“The more you know, the more you realise you don't know. He is constantly evolving.”

This is what observers say about Indonesia’s president-elect Prabowo Subianto.
Prabowo will be officially sworn in on 20 October. At the age of 72, the third-time presidential candidate has finally achieved his lifelong dream to rise to the pinnacle of power.

Born into a powerful family, Prabowo’s early life was characterised by displacement; He joined the military and quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming Suharto’s son-in-law and reaching the heart of Indonesia’s power.

When the 1998 anti-Chinese riots broke out, he was accused of conspiracy and mutiny, which led to his dismissal from military duties and a period of self-imposed exile. However, he returned after three years and embarked on a 15 year long journey towards presidency.

Since his first unsuccessful attempt at vice presidency in 2009, Prabowo has ran for office four times. Rising after multiple defeats, Prabowo has developed different identities in each of his presidential campaigns -from an iron-willed general, a radical Muslim, goofy TikTok grandfather. He finally joined forces with his former opponent to win the election this year.

As one of the most controversial political figures in contemporary Indonesia, is Prabowo after power or a bigger mission?

“The World Explained” looks at the trials and tribulations of Prabowo’s life, and delves deeper to understand the multi-faceted life of Indonesia’s new leader.

视频内容 Video Chaptering:
00:00 印尼候任总统 普拉博沃的“多面人生” The political incarnations of Prabowo Subianto

01:00 “抖音爷爷” 与 “铁血将军” “Tiktok grandpa” and “iron-willed general”

03:50 从举家流亡 到军中崛起 From being in exile to rising through the military ranks

07:08 高调访华,告别“狭隘民族主义” High-profile visit to China, farewell to “narrow nationalism”

09:08 1998年排华暴乱——抹不去的污点 1998 anti-Chinese riots—An indelible stain

13:54 政坛宿敌 化敌为友 Political rivals become friends

16:31 谁才是印尼的“太阳”? Who is the “Sun” of Indonesia?

17:52 总统梦终圆 为权力还是家国? Presidential dreams finally come true. For power or for the country?

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