精彩重溫:「藝術‧科技」展覽 | Highlights of ARTS‧TECH Exhibition

Описание к видео 精彩重溫:「藝術‧科技」展覽 | Highlights of ARTS‧TECH Exhibition



Presented by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, ARTS‧TECH Exhibition has come to a successful end. Thank you all for your support and participation.

12 accomplished Hong Kong artists and arts groups were engaged to present three thematic exhibitions in three exceptional historical sites and organise 24 diverse arts activities for public participation. By connecting arts, technology and community, ARTS‧TECH Exhibition has introduced novel arts experiences and endless possibilities of Arts Tech to the public. Let’s take a peek at the highlights of this project!

📌FB/IG @arts.tech.exhibition
📌YouTube Hong Kong Arts Development Council
📌官方網站 https://arts-tech.hk/

#ARTSTECHExhibition #ARTSTECH #Exhibition #HKADC #ADC #SensoryTranscode #Cellsthatfiretogehterwiretogether #EmptySpace
#藝術科技展覽 #藝術科技 #展覽 #香港藝術發展局 #藝發局 #感官編碼 #激發的細胞連在一起 #虛空之地


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