Sword of Allah Ep86 | The Battle of Yarmouk and the Martyrdom of Hazrat Ikrimah (RA)

Описание к видео Sword of Allah Ep86 | The Battle of Yarmouk and the Martyrdom of Hazrat Ikrimah (RA)

In this video you will know the complete history of The Battle of Yarmouk and the Martyrdom of Hazrat Ikrimah (RA) & also the story of hair Mubarak of the Holy Prophet and the red Imama of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed

Ikrima ibn Abi Jahl Amr ibn Hishām (Arabic: عكرمة بن أبي جهل, romanized: ʿIkrima ibn Abī Jahl; born: 598 CE) was a leading opponent-turned companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and a Muslim commander in the Ridda wars and the conquest of Syria. In the latter campaign, he was slain by Byzantine forces. In the battle of yarmouk, when the muslim line was vanquished, and they were routing, the Romans rushed to destroy them all. Ikrimah ibn Abi jahl saw that if muslims lost this battle,God Forbid, Islam might be erased from the earth. He marshalled a cry "I one day stood against the prophet of god, and shall I now flee from romans? Who amongst you will fight to the death? A few of his fellows joined him, and together, a handful of men fought to a standstill the juggernaut that was the Roman army, so that muslims can form up from the rout. That day, Ikrimah, the son of Abu Jahl, islam's biggest enemy, did the biggest service and made the biggest sacrifice for Islam. At the end of the day, Ikrimah was no more, but his legacy lives on in the hearts of muslims.

The Battle of the Yarmuk (also spelled Yarmouk) was a major battle between the army of the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim forces of the Rashidun Caliphate. The battle consisted of a series of engagements that lasted for six days in August 636, near the Yarmouk River, along what are now the borders of Syria–Jordan and Syria–Palestine, southeast of the Sea of Galilee. The result of the battle was a complete Muslim victory that ended Byzantine rule in Syria. The Battle of the Yarmuk is regarded as one of the most decisive battles in military history,[7][8] and it marked the first great wave of early Muslim conquests after the death of Prophet Muhammad, heralding the rapid advance of Islam into the then-Christian Levant.

To check the Arab advance and to recover lost territory, Emperor Heraclius had sent a massive expedition to the Levant in May 636. As the Byzantine army approached, the Arabs tactically withdrew from Syria and regrouped all their forces at the Yarmuk plains close to the Arabian Peninsula, where they were reinforced, and defeated the numerically superior Byzantine army. The battle is widely regarded to be Khalid ibn al-Walid's greatest military victory and cemented his reputation as one of the greatest tacticians and cavalry commanders in history.

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