AILERT: AI-Powered Camera Surveillance Web App for Any Custom Situation | Google Gemini API

Описание к видео AILERT: AI-Powered Camera Surveillance Web App for Any Custom Situation | Google Gemini API

Spoiler: Strong scenes of a monster attacking a person 😆 😆 😆

AILERT Configuration and Camera:

AILERT Viewer:

AILERT Github:

Introducing AILERT: Custom AI-Powered Camera Surveillance

Hi, I’m Marcos, a full stack and machine learning engineer with a passion for creating innovative solutions.

I'm also the owner of Criaty, an AI development company where this demo is hosted.

Today, I’m excited to share AILERT, an open-source AI camera surveillance web application that I’ve developed using Firebase and Gemini. AILERT is designed to be highly flexible, allowing you to create custom alerts for virtually any situation you can imagine, leveraging advanced AI to interpret real-time camera feeds.


The idea for AILERT came to me as a father of an autistic child who is constantly on the move and needs close supervision. I wanted a tool that could alert me immediately if my child were in a potentially dangerous situation. With AILERT, I can now receive real-time alerts based on specific conditions I define, providing peace of mind and added safety.

How AILERT Works

AILERT is a web-based application, which means you can use it with any camera connected to your computer or smartphone, including IP cameras and even drone cameras that are configured for remote access. The core of AILERT’s functionality lies in its AI-driven alerts. While there are some default alerts available, the real power of AILERT is in its ability to create custom alerts tailored to your specific needs.

Setting Up AILERT

To get started with AILERT, simply visit and log in with your Google account. Once logged in, you’ll need to configure your settings by adding an API key, which you can obtain for free from Google AI Studio. This key allows AILERT to process the video feed and trigger alerts based on the AI’s analysis.

Creating Custom Alerts

In this video, I’ll demonstrate how to create a new alert within AILERT. For this demo, I’ll set up an alert to detect a “monster” approaching me. The AI will assess the situation based on specific conditions: if the monster is seated, the risk level is medium, but if it’s close, the risk is high. I’ll also show you how to configure webhooks to extend AILERT’s functionality even further.

Real-Time Alerts in Action

Once the alert is created, I’ll walk you through testing it with a live camera feed. We’ll see how AILERT detects the “monster” in different scenarios and triggers the appropriate alerts. You can easily view and manage all your alerts from the home screen, making it simple to stay informed about any potential threats.


AILERT is a powerful tool that combines flexibility, AI, and real-time surveillance to keep you informed and safe. Whether you’re monitoring your home, keeping an eye on loved ones, or just experimenting with AI, AILERT offers a versatile and user-friendly platform.

I hope you enjoy this demonstration of AILERT and find it useful in your own projects or daily life. To try AILERT, visit and start setting up your custom alerts today.

You can also download the source code at

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#AILERT #AIDevelopment #OpenSource #AISurveillance #CameraSurveillance #MachineLearning #AutismSafety #WebApp #AIAlerts #Firebase #GeminiAI #gemini #buildwithgemini #AIProjects #TechDemo #Criaty #ArtificialIntelligence #TechInnovation #DIYTech #SmartHome #SecurityTech


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