Review of French MRE Entrees by Peny brand - Potee Paysanne and Rougail Saussices. Army ration MRE

Описание к видео Review of French MRE Entrees by Peny brand - Potee Paysanne and Rougail Saussices. Army ration MRE

My reviews of just a few of the many great products from PENY, which can be found in the Military Ration (RCIR) from the French Armed Forces. Considered the best MRE cuisine on earth, my friends who have served on joint operations in the military along with French troops have always prized these meals and will trade numerous American items just to obtain one French ration. Inspired by ‪@Steve1989MRE‬ and other MRE youtubers, this is my tribute to the great food of France - even when it comes in a can, they make the best of it!


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