Crimewatch UK Solved 06/08/2008

Описание к видео Crimewatch UK Solved 06/08/2008

Kirsty Young presents. Cases include the murder of Nisha Patel-Nasri who was murdered in North London, the case of the robbers who nearly got away with over £1.5 million and an abduction of a child from a bath in Tyneside.

I know the Kirsty Young era is hardly a classic Crimewatch period but I do have quite a few episodes from 2008 and 2009, if you would like me to post then please let me know in the comments. For what it is worth I don't blame Kirsty Young I think it was the producers who changed the show. Towards the end there was hardly any reconstructions and those that there were too victim centered and hardly dealt with the evidence.

Can I just say Merry Christmas to all who follow me, over 1500 subscribers is brilliant and those kind comments do help. In terms of 2019, I hope to post more from the late 90's and around 2000


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