64th Street: A Detective Story Longplay (Arcade) [QHD]

Описание к видео 64th Street: A Detective Story Longplay (Arcade) [QHD]

Developed by C.P. Brain and published by Jaleco in 1991

I'd never heard of this beat-em' up before, so I was pleasantly surprised when I loaded it up. It's very much a clone of Final Fight, and not an especially involved one at that, but the game has a very cool gimmick in the form of destructible background layer. Hurling enemies against the back wall causes visual damage to the background, breaking down doors and shattering windows, which is more interactivity than most games in the genre were doing at the time. What's more, breaking the backdrop often results in power-up items dropping, so it's well worth taking the time to lob enemies around.

In terms of gameplay, 64th Street isn't the most engaging game in it's class - it's slow-paced, and the variety of enemies isn't particularly varied, most of which have very predictable attack patterns. However, the destructible scenery and below-average difficulty meant I actually had a pretty good time with the game; probably not something I'd play that often, but better than expected!

00:00 Intro
01:51 Level 1: 64th Street
06:17 Level 2: Smuggler's Wharf
13:06 Level 3: Railroad Yard
16:48 Level 4: Secret Factory
22:08 Level 5: The Headquarters
31:33 Level 6: Last Level
36:56 Ending



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