Faculty Talks: 2022 Grad Student Welcome Weekend

Описание к видео Faculty Talks: 2022 Grad Student Welcome Weekend

Welcome to (virtual) Welcome Weekend 2022 at UW-Madison Computer Sciences! Faculty presentations included here are the following: Architecture, Systems, Optimization, Security, Machine Learning, Networking, Database, Robotics, Programming Languages, HCI, Visual Computing, Computer Vision, and Theory

0:00:00 Welcome from Chair, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau
0:09:00 Operating Systems, Bart Miller
0:24:48 Architecture, Karu Sankaralingam
0:31:52 Programming Languages, Aws Albarghouthi
0:46:26 Computer Security, Rahul Chatterjee
1:04:20 Databases, Xiangyao Yu
1:18:13 Networking, Ming Liu
1:37:53 Theory, Jin-Yi Cai
1:54:51 Optimization, Jelena Diakonikolas
2:11:40 Robotics, Josiah Hanna
2:36:19 Machine Learning, Josiah Hanna and Yudong Chen
2:51:09 Computer Vision, Yong Jae Lee
3:03:29 Graphics, Yea-Seul Kim
3:21:43 Human-Computer Interaction, Yea-Seul Kim


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