Harvest Moon Back to Nature Girl - Starry night festival and the tips

Описание к видео Harvest Moon Back to Nature Girl - Starry night festival and the tips

Harvest Moon Back to Nature (Girl's side)

This festival is a bit tricky for girls. So, I sum up some tips.
1. DON'T buy the invitation right on the date, because no shops nor houses are open.
2. BUY the invitation a day before. If the shop is not available at the day, try the day before. (For me, it will be at 22nd.)
3. The more the guy likes you, he will give you something!
4. TRY TO COOK foods that your boy likes. It will give a good impression!
5. Just bring the foods in your rucksack. Then, it will automatically be served on the table.
6. DON'T let your rucksack empty. Just bring any edible foods (fruits are not included). If you don't bring anything, your boy will dislike you (I don't know how much heart level will drop tho).
7. You CAN'T invite Kai T.T or Stu (LOL)

I don't own the game, and this video is published for entertainment purposes only. ^-^


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