Creative Demonstration of Peritoneal Sac and Liver Ligaments with a Plastic Bag

Описание к видео Creative Demonstration of Peritoneal Sac and Liver Ligaments with a Plastic Bag

This video uses a creative approach to explain the ligaments of the liver by demonstrating the peritoneal sac with a plastic bag. Watch as we explore how the liver's ligaments interact with the peritoneum, offering a clear and innovative understanding of this complex anatomy.

Liver ligaments
Peritoneal sac liver
Liver anatomy
Hepatic ligaments
Falciform ligament
Coronary ligament
Triangular ligaments
Lesser omentum
Liver and peritoneum
Anatomy demonstration
Innovative anatomy teaching
Plastic bag anatomy
Liver peritoneal attachments
Creative anatomy explanation
Liver structure
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"Liver Ligaments and Peritoneal Attachments" by Ninja Nerd
"Understanding Liver Peritoneal Relations" by Dr. Najeeb Lectures
"Creative Anatomy: Liver and Peritoneum Explained" by AnatomyZone
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