New Bone Drug Evenity- Hype & Concerns

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Dr. Susan Brown discusses a new bone drug, Evenity and its hype and concerns.

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hi everyone I welcome everyone in the
better bones community this afternoon
we're gonna have a little fun my office
my staff we've been really busy
preparing a report for you on this new
bone drug that's just come out you might
have seen the report yesterday in the
New York Times reporting that most
osteoporosis drugs don't build bone but
this one does and it's a whole fanfare
about a new drug a new drug that they're
calling a vanity the technical name is
really compliment complicated remote so
zoo mob no wonder they call it a vanity
to make it simple this drug is a very
interesting new type of drug it has a
really peculiar history and it is held
to build bone but what I'm going to show
you is that it really doesn't reduce
fracture very much and that's the most
important thing so if you are interested
in this analysis of this new drug if you
want to know what you need to know when
your doctor tells you you should think
about this drug stay tuned and also we'd
like you to share this little discussion
with your group so that many women
around the world can learn about this
new drug like I say it's been very
interesting looking into this drug so
the first thing is you might wonder what
about this drug so this drug has just
been released and actually it has the
black black box warning and a black box
warning on a drug means there's very
serious possible side effects in this
particular case this black box warning
is that there's an increased risk of
heart attack stroke and cardiovascular
disease these are the major problems
that can happen even though they may be
rare they've had to put a black box
warning at it and then there's some
other additional side effects that are
things like possible necrosis of the jaw
possible unwarranted fractures several
other adverse reactions that they've
reported in the studies minor reactions
from allergic responses to low blood
calcium to necrosis of the jaw to
atypical fractures many of these side
effects we've heard before with some of
the other bone drugs that halted bone
this is a new drug it's held to build
bone formation and it has its own
serious bunch of side effects the most
distinctive ones are the heart attack
and stroke but you say you might say so
what is this new drug what it is it's an
antibody to a natural factor that the
body produces the body produces a skull
Rosten which actually is a natural turn
off switch to bone growth so the body
produces you know we produce all kinds
of factors that stimulate bone growth
all kinds of factors that slow down bone
growth and through a most peculiar
history I'm gonna tell you about and as
an anthropologist it's a fascinating
story they found out that this
particular turnoff switch to bone growth
occurred in certain areas of the world
and people developed really strong bones
although there was some problems with
that as you're gonna see in a second so
then they said let's develop a drug that
can stop this turn off switch so that
bone just keeps growing and growing and
growing this is a new drug event at E
just to show you a little illustration
of how it works you might be able to see
this slide it talks about sclerostin and
how it really works - it works to
inhibit bone formation so the bone
formation doesn't get run away the body
has so many checks and balances so they
discovered this one checks and balances
the disk Lauriston is produced by the
bone cells and it's a way to quiet down
bone formation now how did they ever get
this idea well they got this idea of
developing a drug that halted the action
of sclerostin because there's a
population in South Africa
some Dutch immigrants went there
sometime ago and there was one single
mutation a mutation that actually caused
this skull rust and not to be effective
and you got overgrowth of bone these
there were 66 people they've identified
now that have this all from one single
founder that have this mutation and they
develop things like progressive skeletal
overgrowth they develop in large skull
mandible often with facial palsy they
develop high intracranial pressure from
the crane from the cranium developing
such big bone and they often develop
deafness so when they discovered this
population they said wow maybe we could
do a drug that that took off the breaks
on bone growth and we could build more
new bone so they actually did that and
the drug that you've seen is the one
that came out today that everyone is
really raving about that it can build
bone those of you that followed the work
at the Center for better bones know that
what we care about is actually the
endpoint is fracture reduction how much...


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