BF1 - (57-9) Suppressive Support Gunner Gameplay w/ Perino Model 1908 Defensive | Conquest on Amiens

Описание к видео BF1 - (57-9) Suppressive Support Gunner Gameplay w/ Perino Model 1908 Defensive | Conquest on Amiens

It took a fair amount of practice before I could squeeze out over 50 kills with the Perino. It's fun to use, but requires an extremely cautious playstyle to use EFFECTIVELY due to how slow its TTK is. Playing with it feels kind of like using a slightly slower Huot with 5x the ammo capacity. I prefer the Defensive variant of the Perino because of its optic.

Ultimately I think I prefer the MG15 overall.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoy(ed).


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