My Prostate Cancer CAME BACK: Paul's Relapse Story | The Patient Story

Описание к видео My Prostate Cancer CAME BACK: Paul's Relapse Story | The Patient Story

Paul was diagnosed with prostate cancer at 63. After treatment, he thought he was cancer-free. But two years later, it returned. Paul was angry and scared. Unlike the first time, he kept his relapse private.

Paul learned in a support group that 20-30% of men relapse after 5 years. And how it can lead to erectile dysfunction, incontinence, depression. Of prostate cancers, 58% have a genetic link. Paul was shocked to learn two uncles died from it.

Paul hopes by sharing his story he can help others.

Full transcript and episodes:

* Brought to you in partnership with Imerman Angels →
* Thank you to Janssen for its support of our patient education program!

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