Why Building Your Ship (Application) with Raw Materials is a Bad Idea! April 4th 6PM

Описание к видео Why Building Your Ship (Application) with Raw Materials is a Bad Idea! April 4th 6PM

About this event

The London Java Community are pleased to welcome back Jamie Coleman, Developer Advocate at Sonatype.

More and more organizations are creating a software bill of materials (SBOMs) to find out what is in their applications. With new legislation surrounding SBOMs surfacing, we are having to comply with regulations such as certifying that the open source parts of our applications are not full of vulnerabilities and following good programming practices. But what happens if we cannot verify the source of this code? Can we simply put it down as raw materials to bypass said certification?

In this session, I will talk about what companies are doing to circumnavigate these tricky waters and what types of applications are simply not able to use open source code. Then I will go over some best practices to make sure your applications are secure, robust and compliant to be delivered to your customers, with a great set of materials to keep your ship always floating.

Speaker Bio:

Jamie is a Developer Advocate for Sonatype formally IBM, based in the UK. He talks about the importance of security in software, improving developer productivity and raising awareness about energy consumption of technology.

Passionate about discovering ways to help reduce developers carbon footprint, he is also a subject matter expert in containerised solutions and build technologies. He fell in love with Java at University and has gone on to talk at many conferences about using Java with microservices and related technology. He has worked on a wide variety of projects such as modernising IBM CICS mainframe testing infrastructure, creating, and automating the creation of Docker images for IBM's products and contributing to a DevOps pipeline offering.

This event is organised by RecWorks on behalf of the London Java Community.


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