Modal with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Описание к видео Modal with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Learn how to create a modal, from scratch, with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

A modal is a popup box, usually positioned on top of everything else in the document and it is used to attract the user's attention to some special information or to ask the user to do something (for example to register or login) without navigating to another page.

It is a commonly used component in websites and that's why I thought it would be a good idea to implement it from scratch as an alternative to using some third-party library or framework for this purpose.

In the first half of the video, we create the structure (HTML), styling (CSS) and functionality (JavaScript) for a basic modal, which can be triggered upon a button click and dismissed upon a click over the modal close button or the modal backdrop (background overlay). We then proceed to adding an entrance and exit animation to the modal, and finally, we make the necessary modifications in order to take into account the case where more than one modals exist in our page.

Enjoy 🙂

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