8 Things I Learned About Beer In The Czech Republic

Описание к видео 8 Things I Learned About Beer In The Czech Republic

These are 8 things that I learned from my trio to the Czech Republic. I had an amazing time in Prague and Pilsen(video linked below) and wanted to recap the things that left an impression on me.

Trip to Czechia Video here:

   • Drinking Lager In The Czech Republic(...  

Diacetyl in beer Video here:

   • Get Butter Out Of Beer!  

#beer #craftbeer #brewing #craftbeerbrewery #homebrewing #pivo

Nina Zdraví

Instagram: @Tanglefootbeer
Facebook: Tanglefoot Brewing
Spotify: Tangle Tales
TikTok: Tanglefootbeer


Tanglefoot Brewing is a small Czech lager focused brewery in Temple, TX. In 2021 the brewery opened in the back of my family's BBQ restaurant that had been operating for 53 years. The restaurant has since closed and Tanglefoot has now taken over the entire space. This YouTube channel was started to document the process of opening, running and growing a small craft brewery.


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