Rabi-Ribi: Cocoa on BEX - 0% Items [No Consumables/Buffs]

Описание к видео Rabi-Ribi: Cocoa on BEX - 0% Items [No Consumables/Buffs]

Beating the 2nd encounter with Cocoa, and finally adding her to the town recruit list!
Originally I attempted to fight her sometime before Alius 2, but that proved to be a very bad idea. Now that I have 2 Amulets + Rainbow Shot, she is actually quite a lot more doable.

Cocoa is a fairly random boss attack wise. She hardly seems to have "fixed" attacks to a certain HP% threshold, or if she does I honestly didnt notice them all that much.

Aside from the 0:34 attack, which she always does just a couple of attacks after the beginning, and her Cut-In attack, which she always does right when she is at critical HP, everything else... seems quite random to me.

Luckily, she often has to run all the way to the other side of the screen to start attacking, so you get plenty of time to get ready. Just make sure to jump over her- at this point, Contact Damage is basically instant death.

0:13 Practice this attack! You shouldt really waste Amulets on this, she likes to spam this so you really cant rely on them anyway. The timing is quite tight, but far from impossible.

0:28 Nearly all of these "bomb" attacks can be trivialized by simply standing behind Cocoa. The one exception is if she uses Green bombs, but in my experience she only really uses them if she has used these bomb attacks enough times- if you make sure to do consistent good DPS, they shouldt appear at all.
(Even if she DOES use them, they are only a threat if they spawn close)

0:36 Not sure how you are supposed to dodge this in any consistent way, so just Amulet it like this.

1:54 Dont get tricked by the blue one, it will come back. As long as you remember it being a thing, and also the fact that Cocoa will likely run to the other side, you should be able to dodge this.

1:58 This is the main reason I waited until I had 2 Amulets to beat this fight. This is just nasty on a 0% item run- heck, even on a regular run I usually have to use 1 Amulet.

Overall a fairly difficult fight, I strongly recommend at least 2 amulets for this one.

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