The Power in Pleasure | Alyssa Ljubicich | TEDxUCDavis

Описание к видео The Power in Pleasure | Alyssa Ljubicich | TEDxUCDavis

Sex Coach & Educator, Alyssa Ljub reflects on her journey to becoming a sex coach, dispelling stereotypes about her upbringing and highlighting the transformative power of sex education. She traces a historical timeline, from biblical narratives to modern misconceptions, exposing centuries of shame and repression surrounding women's sexuality. Urging a reclaiming of sensuality and self-discovery, she emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing one's body for empowerment and fulfillment. Ultimately, she champions the right to pleasure and autonomy, encouraging listeners to advocate for themselves and rewrite the narrative of shame into one of personal power and liberation.

Alyssa starred in the Netflix hit reality TV show The Circle. As an assistant to a Sex Coach, she helped inform her fellow competitors and viewers about what sex coach offers. Her bubbly personality and insight allowed her to dive into the competition and help improve the sex lives of those around her. Alyssa is now using her social media platform and podcast, Alyssa Explains It All, to continue sharing information about sex and intimacy while completing her AASECT certification as a Sex Coach with the Sexual Health Alliance. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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