Dark Cloud 2 [PS2] - Building and Battling

Описание к видео Dark Cloud 2 [PS2] - Building and Battling

Some gameplay of the amazing dark cloud 2.

Love this game, world building starts about halfway

00:00 Gameplay
07:31 FishTank
08:11 Building

Rest is gameplay.

The feel of this game is great, the music art and gameplay all just feel right I guess is how I would describe it.

Another game with that feel on ps2 I can think of, right now at least, would be steambot chronicles,
it's not the same setting or anything like that but has that feeling of everything fitting together to create
a fun, beautiful, engaging experience. let's be real, every game should have mechs - it's just a fact.

Website: https://www.darkwarlosgames.com/


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