Reported Speech in English # 1 | Pronoun and verb change in Simple English by Jayatissa Athaudahetti

Описание к видео Reported Speech in English # 1 | Pronoun and verb change in Simple English by Jayatissa Athaudahetti

Dear Viewers, In this video I am going to give you a lesson on "Reported Speech" You can learn to use Reported speech correctly in this lesson if you watch it carefully until the end of the video.
What is reported speech?
When we want to tell somebody else what the other person said, we use "Reported Speech". We can do this by using two different ways. In other words "Reported Speech can be divided into two parts as follows:
වෙනත් පුද්ගලයෙකු කියූ දෙයක් අපට යම් අන් කෙනෙකුට කීමට අවශ්‍ය වූ විට, වාර්තා කථනය භාවති කරනු ලැබේ. අපට ඒකි නෙකට වෙනස් ක්‍රම දෙකක් යොදා ගනිමින් එය කල හැකිය. වෙනත් විධියකට කියන්නේ නම් වාර්තාගත කථනය පහත දැක්වෙන ආකාරයට කොටක් දෙකකට බෙදිය හැක.
Speech : He said "I am hungry."
"මට බඩගිනියි" හෙතෙම පැවසීය.
Reported Speech : He said that he was hungry.
ඔහුට බඩගිනි යැයි ඔහු පැවසීය.
Reported Speech in English is a series of lessons that will help you use it correctly. This is only the introductory lesson. In the next lesson you will learn both Direct and Indirect or Reported speech in detail. As I said before in this first lesson you are going to learn direct statements their use, form and changes of pronouns, be verb and have verb.
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Thanks. Happy learning!
Jayatissa Athaudahetti


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