Pokemon Emerald - Battle vs Salon Maiden Anabel (Gold)

Описание к видео Pokemon Emerald - Battle vs Salon Maiden Anabel (Gold)

The Battle Tower is headed by the Frontier Brain, Salon Maiden Anabel. For me, she is the strongest Brain, that's why she is the last that I battle :). To earn the Gold Ability Symbol you must defeat:

Raikou: Thunderbolt, Rest, Reflect and Calm Mind @Lum Berry

Snorlax: Shadow Ball, Curse, Rest and Return @Chesto Berry

Latios: Dragon Claw, Calm Mind, Psychic and Recover @Brightpowder

Her team is very very difficult. Raikou has the Ability Pressure, which means that you spend 2 attacks when you damage it. And it is very fast.

Snorlax has a awesome Sp. Defense, and knows Curse, to raise Attack and Defense, but lowering Speed. It also knows Rest to regain health.

Latios has the ability Levitate, which means that you can't damage it with Ground Attacks. It is very fast and knows Calm Mind and Psychic + Dragon Claw to finish you. And Brightpowder lowers your accuracy. Enjoy it!


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