Satyam Case Explained: India's Biggest Corporate Scam

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Thanks for watching “Satyam Case Explained: India's Biggest Corporate Scam”! You know the saying “live within your means”? Well, apparently, it doesn’t just apply to people. It applies to major companies, too. However, sometimes we all end up spending way more than what we can afford, and we end up losing out on a lot more money than we had initially planned to. That’s why keeping proper track of your finances is incredibly important. Now, although people should be reporting their numbers accurately to get the real picture of the state of their finances, some others tend to fudge their numbers a bit to show a prettier picture. In the case of companies or big corporations, when this type of fudging is done, the perpetrators not only screw over the company, but they also screw over everyone who has stakes in the company. Today, we’re going to be talking about one such case: the Satyam case. Or, as it is otherwise known as, India’s biggest corporate scam. What went down in the Satyam case? Who was behind the entire scam? And what were the effects and consequences of their actions?

For more videos about the world’s greatest schemes, ways to make money, and, basically, the best things you could ever learn about, be sure to subscribe to Business Explained and join the money gang! Thanks for watching: “Satyam Case Explained: India's Biggest Corporate Scam”!

01:12 - 02:22 What Was Satyam?
02:23 - 03:53 Byrraju Ramalinga Raju
03:54 - 05:28 The Satyam Scandal Exposed
05:29 - 06:40 What Happened Next?

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Translated titles:
Explicación del caso de Satyam: la estafa corporativa más grande de la India

Satyam-Fall erklärt: Indiens größter Unternehmensbetrug

L'affaire Satyam expliquée: la plus grande arnaque d'entreprise en Inde

Explicação do caso Satyam: o maior golpe corporativo da Índia

सत्यम केस समझाया: भारत का सबसे बड़ा कॉ

Satyam-saak verduidelik: Indië se grootste korporatiewe bedrogspul

Rasti Satyam i Shpjeguar: Mashtrimi më i madh i korporatave në Indi

ሳታይም ጉዳይ ተብራርቶ የህንድ ትልቁ የኮርፖሬት ቅሌት

شرح قضية ساتيام: أكبر عملية احتيال للشركات في الهند

Satyam Case Explained. Հնդկաստանի խոշորագույն կորպորատիվ խաբեու


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