Treating Small Bowel Obstruction

Описание к видео Treating Small Bowel Obstruction

How do you treat small bowel obstruction?

We have now had several videos on the small bowel, from the anatomy and physiology of the small intestine right through how we can diagnose small bowel obstruction and use labs and imaging in SBO effectively.

You are now ready to understand treatment.

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Sabiston's Textbook of Surgery
Moore's Clinically Oriented Anatomy
Netter's Anatomical Atlas
Schwartz Principles of Surgery
Fischer's Mastery of Surgery
Zollinger's Atlas of Surgical Operations

In this video I start with a clinical case and take you right through how you can approach patients with a bowel obstruction and decide whether surgery is indicated or a non operative approach is possible.

Treatment of small bowel obstruction follows several principles.

These principles include...

Volume resuscitation
Enteral decompression
Deciding on surgery versus non-operative management

In this video I'm going to take you through these different principles of treating small bowel obstruction.

I'm going to teach out when immediate operation is needed and when a non-operative approach is indicated.

I will show you how we do serial monitoring and what is important to watch out for in your daily history and physical exam.

We're going to talk about procalcitonin and how this can be helpful in understanding bowel compromise in patients presenting with small bowel obstruction.

In addition I'm going to share with you some great literature and a scoring system that can be applied in these patients to help give you a bit more decision making power.

Small bowel obstruction is a common diagnosis in surgery and it's important you have a systematic approach to these patients.

We're going to cover a few clinical cases as well and at the bottom of the description I'll put the answers so you can check yourself!

Check out these AMAZING timestamps and fast forward if you need to:

Start 00:00
What do you do first in treating small bowel obstruction? 02:13
Treatment principles in small bowel obstruction 06:06
Indications for immediate operation in small bowel obstruction 09:11
What is non-operative management of small bowel obstruction 17:09
What is procalcitonin and how is it helpful in SBO? 21:52
Can we predict who will need surgery in SBO? 26:18
What outcomes can we expect in small bowel obstruction? 28:01

Management SBO UptoDate
Procalcitonin in SBO - Cosse -
Risk of recurrence adhesive SBO - Behman -
Clinicoradiological score for SBO - Schwenter -

I'm Dr. Erik Pearson, FACS and I am a board certified pediatric surgeon living in Las Vegas. I make surgical education videos on all topics in general surgery as well as talks on lifestyle design as a surgeon, book reviews, and studying effectively. I also write a weekly newsletter called the Saturday Six where I identify Six different discoveries of the week. You can get the weekly newsletter by signing up to the CITIZENSURGEON Community!

While my aim is to help educate you for the ward, the surgical ICU, the operating room and your exams remember these videos are not a replacement for your reading, your medical school and residency preparation and most important your own decision making. If you have medical questions definitely consult a medical professional. Good luck and enjoy!

Affiliate Links - There are a few links in the description that may lead to a kickback to me to help support the channel.


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