Test 53 mm distributor without tamping | Set deeper than Breville's razor tool | Stop wobbling

Описание к видео Test 53 mm distributor without tamping | Set deeper than Breville's razor tool | Stop wobbling

Breville Infuser using single shot non-pressurized basket
Baratza Sette 270Wi (use 2 shims set at 14D)

10,0 grams of Lake Toba Arabica beans (medium roast Single Origin Day #32 since roast date) yields 20 grams of espresso in 23 seconds (excluding pre-infusion)

Test notes:
53 mm distributor's palm tamper was set at a height so that it no longer wobbles from side to side inside the basket. Single shot basket is tapered towards the mid section, hence, wobbling can be stopped. Tamping using Breville's tamper is no longer needed since better seal can be made using the palm tamper.

Slightly sweet. Much less clarity, more textured full bodied shot.
Is it due to age of the coffee beans since roast date?

To do:
Order new batch of coffee beans.


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