How Skin Transplant (Skin Graft) Is Performed? | Skin Graft Procedure

Описание к видео How Skin Transplant (Skin Graft) Is Performed? | Skin Graft Procedure

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skin grafting is a surgical procedure in which a portion of skin is taken from one part of our body and used to replace a damaged part. Sometimes, our skin gets damaged due to infections, injuries, cancer, burns, and other factors, which takes a long time to heal on its own. But when we replace such skin with normal skin, it contains healthy tissues that aid in faster recovery of the damaged skin.

Now let's see how skin grafting is performed. Firstly, patients are advised to refrain from smoking and taking certain medications, as smoking slows down the healing process. During the surgery, patients are usually given general anesthesia, and a piece of skin is cut from their own thigh, arm, or another area, creating holes in it to ensure proper stretching of the skin. Then, this piece of skin is placed on the damaged area of the patient.

If the doctor, during surgery, cuts both the upper layers of the skin (epidermis and dermis) and replaces them with the damaged area, it is referred to as a full-thickness skin graft (FTSG). Similarly, if the doctor only uses a portion of the epidermis along with the dermis, it is called a split-thickness skin graft (STSG). On the other hand, if the doctor also includes cartilage or tissue along with the epidermis and dermis, it is known as a composite graft.

In some cases, when the patient's body is severely damaged due to accidental injury or electric shock, their own skin cannot be used for grafting. In such situations, grafts are taken from others. If the graft is taken from animals, it is called a xenograft, whereas if it is taken from a deceased human body, it is called an allograft.

After the surgery is completed, patients are usually kept in the hospital for approximately two weeks and then discharged. Skin grafting is a safe procedure; however, in some cases, there can be the accumulation of blood or pus at the transplant site or the initiation of an infection, which requires timely treatment.

Skin grafting procedure
Skin grafting surgery
Skin grafting techniques
Benefits of skin grafting
Skin grafting for burns
Skin grafting for injuries
Skin grafting for cancer patients
Skin grafting healing process
Skin grafting success rate
Skin grafting complications
Skin grafting recovery time
Skin grafting rehabilitation
Skin grafting aftercare
Skin grafting risks
Skin grafting cost


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