Dragon Ball Z - OST | The World's Strongest Guy

Описание к видео Dragon Ball Z - OST | The World's Strongest Guy

Soundtrack suite used for the second anime-inspired film, which bears the name: ドラゴンボールZ この世で一番強いヤツ (Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest), released in 1990.
When talking about instrumentation, Shunsuke Kikuchi uses instruments that are well received in popular music, for example, the saxophone is an instrument that faced great difficulties in being accepted in classical music, but was well received in popular music, so much so that it became indispensable in genres such as jazz.

#ShunsukeKikuchi #DragonBallZ #OST

Album: Dragon Ball Z: Music Vol. 1 (ドラゴンボールZ 音楽集 Vol.1)
Date/Fecha: 1992
Name/Nombre: (Music Suite) The World's Strongest Guy
[Kumikyoku] Konoyo de Ichiban Tsuyoi Yatsu [組曲]この世で一番強いヤツ
Track/Pista: 3 of 10
Composer/Compositor: Shunsuke Kikuchi (菊池 俊輔)

Los derechos musicales pertenecen a Nippon Columbia, CO., LTD.


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