Assalamualaikum ...halo sobat,apakabar kalian? Semoga sehat selalu yah..
Divideo saya sebelumnya cara lem lcd tanpa bongkar, banyak yang menanyakan tentang lem lcd type e8000, lem jenis ini memang saya sudah sering kali menggunakannya,bagus,dan kuat,hanya saja ketersediannya hanya di online shop dan di toko sparepart handphone.
Jadi klo buru2 pengen lem lcd harus pesan online 1-3 hari sedangkan lcd sudah mau terlepas .
Nah disini ada lem yang cocok selain lem lcd e8000.harganya murah sekitar 7500.mudah didapatkan,saya beli di toko percetakan(foto copy) ada juga di toko elektronik(lampu) material.dll..mudah untuk kalian mendapatkannya.
Tonton langsung videonya sampai habis jangan Diskip ya agar kalian mengerti.
untuk order via online shop lem lcd e8000 disini:
tonton juga:
cara lem lcd tanpa bongkar:
lem uhu,lem untuk lcd,lem lcd pake lem uhu,lem lcd terlepas pake lem uhu,lcd terangkat pake lem uhu,lcd copot pake lem uhu,lem uhu,lem lcd,lem lcd touchscreen uhu,lem uhu bisa lem lcd hp,
Assalamualaikum ... hello buddy, how are you guys? I wish you good health ...
In my previous video, how to glue LCD without disassembling, many have asked about lcd type e8000 glue, I have often used this type, good, and strong, only available in online shops and in cellphone spare parts stores.
So if you want to glue lcd, you have to order online for 1-3 days, while the lcd is already about to come off.
Well here there is a suitable glue beside the e8000 lcd glue. The price is cheap around 7500. Easy to get, I bought it at a printing shop (photo copy) there is also an electronics store (lamp) material, etc ... easy for you to get.
Watch the video immediately until it runs out, don't Discip it so you can understand.
to order via the online shop lcd glue e8000 here:
watch also: how to glue lcd without dismantling: • CARA MENGATASI LAYAR LCD TERLEPAS / T...
UHU glue, LCD glue using UHU glue, Lcd glue using UHU glue, lifting LCD using UHU glue, dislodged LCD using UHU glue, UHU glue, LCD glue, UHU touchscreen lcd glue, uhu glue can hp lcd glue,
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