Majhe Maher Pandhari. Lyrics with English translation

Описание к видео Majhe Maher Pandhari. Lyrics with English translation

Majhe Maher Pandhari, Aahe Bhivarechya Tiri

My mother's home is Pandharpur
Mother's home is very special to her

Baap Aani Aai, Majhi Vitthal Rakhumai

My father and mother
Are my Vitthala Rukhumai

Pundalik Rahe Bandhu, Tyachi Khyati Kay Sangu

Pundlik is my brother
What to say of his devotion

Majhi Bahin Chandrabhaga, Karitase Papbhanga

My sister is Chandrabhaga (River)
She removes sins of those who bath in her

Eka Janardani Sharan, Kari Maherchi Aathavan

Janardan (Rishi) is the one whose feet I fall to
I remember my mother's home


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