Issue of Shares | Company Accounts Class 12 | Part 6

Описание к видео Issue of Shares | Company Accounts Class 12 | Part 6

To get the best learning experience and ensure proper understanding of the concepts, it is essential to watch the videos in the correct sequence. Please follow the serial order: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, and so on.

Each part builds on the previous one, and skipping ahead may lead to confusion or gaps in understanding. Stay on track, and you will grasp the topics more effectively!

Part-1    • Issue of Shares | Basics | Part - 1 |...   {This video will help you understand the basics of this chapter and show you how to make and learn journal entries easily.}

Part-2    • Issue of Shares | Company Accounts Cl...   {In this video, you will learn approximately 80% of this chapter, including topics like forfeiture, re-issue, and more, explained in a simple way.}

Part-3    • Issue of Shares | Company Accounts Cl...   {In this video, we will solve one more practice question from the previous topic. It is a great way to understand the concept better. Make sure you have watched the previous video first}

Part-4    • Issue of Shares | Company Accounts Cl...   {In this video, you will learn about under-subscription of shares. This concept is explained step-by-step for better understanding.}

Part-5    • Issue of Shares | Company Accounts Cl...   {In this video, we will solve another practice question from the previous topic and introduce a new concept “Calls in Advance”. It is a great way to understand the concept better. Be sure to watch the previous video first for better clarity.}

part-6    • Issue of Shares | Company Accounts Cl...   {In this video, you will learn about the alternatives available to a company for allotting shares in case of oversubscription. This will help you better understand and solve oversubscription questions.}

I have been teaching accountancy for the past 30 years, My goal has always been to make the subject enjoyable and easy to grasp. You'll see this commitment in action throughout the video.
Video lectures are available with live classes on Zoom {one-on-one online classes}.


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