Travis Japan in Seattle -LEVEL UP, Just Dance!, My Dreamy Hollywood and Self Introduction

Описание к видео Travis Japan in Seattle -LEVEL UP, Just Dance!, My Dreamy Hollywood and Self Introduction

We went to the Travis Japan concert in Seattle from Vancouver🚗! Firstly, they started off with a spectacular intro! Then they performed Just Dance and My Dreamy Hollywood that we saw in AGT. Although it was true that their performance was kind of corny, seeing it in real life was so much cooler than on screen😍. We were able to feel how hard they worked and that they truly put a lot of effort into their performances.

まずは最初がカッコ良過ぎて一気に引き込まれました!(冒頭何度もリピしちゃいます😍)AGTで見ていた「Just Dance!」と「My Dreamy Hollywood」はテレビでは確かにちょーっとだけCornyな曲に見えたけど、この距離で観たらめちゃくちゃカッコよくてビックリしました😍 そして彼らの頑張りや人の良さも伝わってきて、あのサイモンや生で見ていた観客を魅了した彼らの魅力はこういうところだったのだろうなーと思いました。音源をコンサート前にたくさん聞いて予習して行きましたが、ライブが断然カッコよかったです✨


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