Paul Phoenix Combo Guide - Tekken 8

Описание к видео Paul Phoenix Combo Guide - Tekken 8

Hi, it's been a while, but its Tekken 8 time, so I'm back. Don't worry, Lili and bear mains, I haven't forgotten you, I'll be back, but I'm on Paul for now.

0:00 - Lazy intro :^)

0:15 - Part 1 - The df2 route.
The same combos that work for df2 also work for qcf1, uf4, qcb1+2, ufn4, ff(3,4)4, CH qcb4, CH ub4, CH b(2)1 (charged or uncharged), CH qcb1, all shown first.

0:37 - Part 1
Combos from easy to hard (and less consistent)
df2 4 df4 3,2~B1+2 T! fff2
df2 4 df4 3,2~B1+2 T! dash d4:2:1
df2 4 df4 2 dash 3,2~B1+2 T! dash ssl d4:2:1+2 - All combos that T! on the 7th hit usually require a ssl after the dash for demo man, from here on I'll omit this from the notations. For any later combos that T! on the 7th hit I've used the 2 iwr2 (1 more damage), but the ssl demo man ender should also work.
df2 4 df4 2 dash 3,2~B1+2 T! dash 2 iwr2
df2 qcf1 df4 2 dash 3,2~B1+2 T! dash 2 iwr2
df2 qcf1 df4 iws3 3,2~B1+2 T! dash 2 iwr2 - impractical but not impossible, T! can sometimes whiff depending on character

notable, CH qcb1, ff(3,4)4 and CH b(2)1 (very unreliable) can also be converted with ff4 ws4 df4 3,2~B1+2 T! easy but a bit unintuitive so I didn't record it.

1:36 - Part 2 - Off axis combos.
I've used df2 here, be aware which side of your opponent you are on and you may be able to realign with qcf1 or df4, or your combo may entirely whiff.

3:03 - Part 3 - Instant t!
Low parry, qcf1+2, CH qcf3+4

3:55 - Part 4 - Shredder kicks.
Combos for uf3, uf3,4, ff3, ff3,4, uf(3)4, ff(3)4, and ub3 in that order.

5:19 - Part 5 - b3 combos
5:59 - Beware of steppers
Careful if using this move to track the opponent stepping right. 3,2 routes end up being safest here.

6:21 - Part 6 - ff4
6:38 - Beware of steppers
Move is very slow and steppable, so be extra aware when you clip someone who is late on their step. ws3 seems safest, but isn't foolproof.

7:06 - Part 7 - CH qcb3 string

7:52 - Part 8 - ws2, CH db2, ff(2)2, CH df(3)4, CH (3)2

8:59 - Part 9 - Guaranteed hits.
Firstly df(1,1)2, bf1, db1+2, qcf3+4, and ss1 all share the same 4 followups (there's more but these seem the most relevant). db1+2 and f1+4 require no dash, very safe and easy. Dash d1+2 also safe. Deathfist is always ideal, but can be possible to drop, especially when the db1+2 power crushes a hit.
9:26 - CH ss3 +12
Be careful not to autopilot b1,2 (used to work in T7)
9:35 - CH df4 +14
9:44 - CH ws(1)2~B +15 into sway
9:57 - CH df(3)4
Similar to Kaz df2 PEWGF the opponent is standing for at least 12 frames here giving an unscaled d1+2, noteworthy with the wall in play.
10:03 - CH qcf3 db2
It seems fairly consistent at the wall, and vs bears. Can rarely work in the open (ssr then CH qcf3) but not worth the risk, just demo man.
10:30 - qcb1
(I'm not 100% confident in the followups that don't show on the combo counter, db2 or a second qcb1 are only consistent with a small dash, will whiff without a dash if the opponent doesn't move)
10:39 - CH 4
just found that you can d1+2 for 44 damage, must be close
10:50 - Guard breaks in heat
charged d1,2 and charged b2,1 will give you +12

10:58 - Part 10 - Post T! wall carry.
There's more ways to carry with one or two hits than ever, experiment and pick two or three favorites. Demo man will be the usual ender if you need three hits. The old ff4 ws3,2 option from T7 no longer works.

11:43 - Part 11 - Wall combos post T!
3,2~B cc qcf2 is optimal, but I cant hit that pretzel of an input. Maybe staple if you can do it.

12:13 - Part 12 - Raw wall splat.
Worth noting, not all wall splats will allow you time to backdash (or ss) and resplat. If you launch at the wall, something like df2 here instead of the d1+2 splat, you can get an extra hit before the wall combo. Something like df2 d1+2 b1,2 T! 1 qcf2 should all hit.

13:02 - Part 13 - Ending combos with heat.
If you haven't activated heat yet, and you need to maximize combo damage there's only one real option. Staple combo route up to the dash 2 after T! and then heat burst, qcf2~F, qcf2. For the moves that instant T! you can fit in a heat burst after a jab, replace a 2 jab from any of those combos with a 1 and the rest is the same. Beware of the heat dash running into a wall, revisit 10:14 for an example. Threw in the demo man trade here for fun :^)

13:32 - Part 14 - Heat dash combos.
Let me know if you have a higher damage easymode route. If you want to do the 2 iwr2 ender there needs to be a ssr, usually after the T!, but for the qcf2 combo it can be right at the beginning also. uf2 needs a ssl before the first qcf1, there is a lot of time. f4 heat dash options similar to a CH 4.

Please feel free to ask any questions, or add anything that I may have forgotten. My next video will probably be an overview of all the stage gimmicks, floor breaks/blasts, wall breaks/blasts/bounds, etc, and any specific niche combos that might be optimal in all these new stage gimmick situations, and anything forgotten in this video [CH 2(3), CH ws(3)2, and CH qcf,df(2)3.]


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