寒い夜にやさしく体を温めてくれるカクテル “アイリッシュ・コーヒー(Irish Coffee)” | Barの美学[barism]

Описание к видео 寒い夜にやさしく体を温めてくれるカクテル “アイリッシュ・コーヒー(Irish Coffee)” | Barの美学[barism]

カクテル・ベース: ウイスキー、アルコール度数: 8度、テイスト: 中口、TPO: アフター・ディナー





●Barの美学 [barism; バーイズム]
そんなオーセンティック・バーの魅力をご紹介する[barism; バーイズム]。
Whiskey Base, 8%, Medium, After‐Dinner

Irish coffee is a popular hot drink that warm up our body sweetly in rainy days and cold nights.
Using Irish Whiskey as a base. The peat is not used for Jameson but is made by traditional three times distillation and barrel aging. It is the Irish whiskey with rich aroma and smooth taste.
Irish coffee was devised at the restaurant-bar on the Irish water airport in the early 1940s. This cocktail was served to passengers shivering in the cold to warm them up while the seaplane was to refuel.

- Recipe
45ml Irish Whiskey
1and1/2tsp. Sugar (coarse or coffee sugar)
Coffee (strong and hot) to taste
Whipped cream to taste

Put sugar in a glass, add whiskey and coffee to stir lightly. Float whipped cream onto it.

- Aphorism
"A stranger is just a friend you haven't met."
Irish proverb

- Aesthetics Of The Bar [barism]
A touch of marvelous atmosphere flows at the moment when opening the door of the bar, where a bartender facing a customer across the counter is pouring a glass of bliss.
This is to introduce the charm of such authentic bar, which is called “Barism”.
“Aesthetics of the bar” introduces the beauty in the bar such as the way of bartender’s movement, brightness of the glass, beauty of the cocktail and the sound of the clear ice.

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