Прощай, Ким Джи Вон, Ким Су Хён выглядит до смешного круто на съемках «Подделки».

Описание к видео Прощай, Ким Джи Вон, Ким Су Хён выглядит до смешного круто на съемках «Подделки».

Goodbye Kim Ji Won, Kim Soo Hyun Looks Ridiculously Cool on the Set of Knock Off.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all movie buffs out there—before we dive into the glamour, the glitz, and the inevitable swooning over Kim Soo Hyun’s undeniable swag, let me quickly plug in something super important! Our awesome YouTube channel, @ZZW_BSThao, humbly greets you with open arms and warm hearts. We hope you’ll join us on our cinematic journey filled with drama, laughter, and all things legendary. Now, hit that subscribe button, give us a thumbs up, and don’t forget to show some love! Onward, to the magic of K-dramas!

And now… the moment we’ve all been waiting for…


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