Family Ties 家人之间 EP1 | 新传媒新加坡电视剧

Описание к видео Family Ties 家人之间 EP1 | 新传媒新加坡电视剧

20 years ago, Chen Zhitong and wife Liu Yuzhi gave their three children Boyang, Zhengguo, and Yunen birthday gifts. They were seen as a loving family. Now, the siblings have their own careers, families and lives, and things seem well. However, they encounter setbacks on their 30th birthday, revealing the misunderstandings and discontentment among the family. A happy occasion ends up in disaster. 二十年前,陈志通和太太刘钰芝送给了三个孩子博洋、正果和允恩精心准备的庆生礼物,一家十分和睦融洽。时过境迁,三兄妹都有了各自的家庭、事业和生活,看似一切顺遂。岂料在庆祝三十岁生日的这一天,他们却遇到了不顺心的事,从而揭开了家人之间的许多误解和不满,导致原本应该欢愉的场合,最后不欢而散。


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