5 Ways Malignant Female Narcissists Create Chaos in Relationships On Purpose

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Female covert/malignant narcissists are not spoken about nearly as much as male covert/malignant narcissists. There is a stigma with men being targets of emotional and often physical abuse - but it's real, it happens and sadly many men wind up suffering in silence. My goal is to not only expose malignant narcissistic abuse in men but in women, parents, friends, coworkers as well. The more aware we are of toxic behaviors, toxic manipulation - the more we can protect ourselves and stay true to ourselves. Once we learn and recognize the patterns of toxic people we can learn how to avoid entering relationships with them.
5 Things female narcissists do in toxic relationships to create chaos

1. they will set ‘rules of conduct’ that you are supposed to know even if they never expressed them before. They will get mad at you for not ‘ following these rules’ and if you decide to stop acting as yourself,f and strive to act how they want you to act - they will change the rules constantly. The truth is the rules give them an excuse to argue.
2. Narcissistic rage that will cause them to yell, scream, break things and even hit their significant other all the while blaming you for their behavior - if you hadn’t done this or that they would not ha e had to resort to that behavior - no matter what they do it is always your fault
3. During a conversation if they let you speak, and I Stress the word it - they are not really listening to how you feel, they aren’t really interested in your viewpoint -they simply pause while you speak and then continue onward as if you never said a thing - as the conversation goes on and on it becomes a monologue with the guy simply standing there listening to what an awful person he is on and on.
4. The de,ands they make in their conversations or arguments, the accusations they make, the criticisms they give are all one sided - you never do this they will say ( but the truth is they don’t ejther) but the only one that gets punished for it is you and if you dare mention the one sided way of judging things - you will have to endure an even longer and more vicious monologue
5. They will cry and make you feel as if you are a bad guy for hurting them and breaking their heart - forget how awful they treat you, in their minds that.s irrelevant- you are awful for hurting them. This makes a good guy feel awful because it’s the last thing he wants to do is hurt her -and if he’s not aware of the game the female narcissist is playing he will strive harder to go back to following her never changing rules becoming less and less the man he really is in an effort to be the man she demands him to be. In the end, I’ve spoken to so many men that tell me they entered the toxic relationship with boundaries, feeling assertive and confident but they left the relationship with no boundaries, no self esteem, no confidence and in a complete state of confusion.


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