Supercollider Marble War 2

Описание к видео Supercollider Marble War 2

In this science experiment, four colours of particle emitters are launching charged particles into a containment zone.
Which colour will win?

- Particles on the left will choose a colour, size and speed before being spawned.
- When enemy marbles collide, they deal damage.
- When a marble hits an enemy cannon, it deals damage based on its size.

Upgrades have been added in this version, which can be applied to the particles.
1. Density - Greatly increases the ball's mass, allowing it to push through more easily.
2. Splash - When colliding, deals damage in an area around the ball.
3. Explode - When the ball is destroyed, it deals damage in an area around it and pushes nearby balls away.
4. Drain - Whenever the ball collides with another ball, it steals some of the other ball's mass, restoring hit points.
5. Fission - When the ball collides with an enemy ball, it immediately splits into 4 smaller balls.

#marblerace #marble_race

Background -
Cannon -
Pipes -


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