Buying in Italy, Land Registry and Planning permission, by Davide Mengoli

Описание к видео Buying in Italy, Land Registry and Planning permission, by Davide Mengoli

How do I make sure the entire building has been approved by the planning office?
Rule number one, get the professionals on board! We are not all like Rambo, able to stich ourselves up. Do It Yourself (DIY) and you will potentially come across situations which in the long run will demotivate you and reduce your passion for your project.
The property maybe registered with the Land Registry office (Catasto) but not with the local borough, making you building or part of it illegal (abusiva). You may have the original drownings from the Land Registry Office, this is not sufficient in making sure that the entire building is legally approved.
Please Please Please, make sure you research this aspect thoroughly and you get a confirmation in writing!
Have you encountered similar problems?


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