Cipra number 1 | Jhin vs Tristana | Master 0LP MMR | LOSS

Описание к видео Cipra number 1 | Jhin vs Tristana | Master 0LP MMR | LOSS

Thoughts: Very depressing game. We had a scaling comp but knowing EUW soloq it was already suprising that noone had a mental breakdown before 10 minutes. the game started shifting towards the negative way and the stereotypical karthus kassadin players proceed to have a mental breakdown. My support also happened to be a transfer player firsttiming Leona. rough game was not really winnable. Jungle also fiddlesticks otp that got his fiddle stolen.

Feedback is welcome.

Yone vs Gangplank
Diana vs Karthus
Corki vs Kassadin
Tristana vs Jhin
Fiddlesticks vs Leona


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