Does Saskatchewan Have Affordable Housing? with Ron Quaroni - Episode 56

Описание к видео Does Saskatchewan Have Affordable Housing? with Ron Quaroni - Episode 56

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Does Saskatchewan Have Affordable Housing?

The easy answer is yes, Saskatchewan homes are relatively affordable when you compare it to our other Canadian counterparts.

In today’s video we look at the average income compared to the average house price and answer the question. Can the average family afford the average home?

Want to get pre-qualified to buy a home? Start with a quick application below.
Online Application

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This video was recorded on February 23, 2022 and some of the information in this video will be date sensitive. This video is for demonstrative purposes only. Contact real estate experts in your market for a personalized solution to your real estate needs.

Average Salary

Housing Prices

The above information is for demonstrative purposes only. It does not take into account the specific objectives, circumstances and individual needs of the reader. Its purpose is educational and should not be relied upon in that regard. The information is believed to be reliable, but its accuracy, completeness and currency cannot be guaranteed. The author and sources and any other party identified in this article do not assume any liability of any kind in connection with the information provided.


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