Regular Show S03E07 God Of Basketball

Описание к видео Regular Show S03E07 God Of Basketball

When you yell "kobe" and you miss

Mordecai and Rigby are playing video games, when Pops tells Mordecai that there's a phone call for him. He picks up the phone and is surprised to hear Margaret on the other line. When he returns to the game, he tells Rigby that Margaret asked him to design a website.

However, when he goes to use the computer, he realizes that Muscle Man has it reserved even though he isn't even using it and is playing basketball instead. Frustrated by this, Mordecai and Rigby challenge Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost to a game of two-on-two basketball for a week, then a month, then two months of computer rights.

When they lose miserably, Mordecai kicks the ball away, which triggers the arrival of a wizard-like basketball-humanoid coach known as the God of Basketball who offers to train him and Rigby. When that doesn't work out the way he planned, he just gives them the powers to be good at basketball. Once they start beating Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, Muscle Man has Hi Five Ghost fake an injury (being flattened on the pavement) so he can have the coach on his team due to ruling. When he grants Muscle Man the powers, the game becomes close and intense.

After an epic scuffle for the ball in space, Mordecai dunks the ball as he falls past the rim, destroying the park. Muscle Man storms off angrily and the God says that he hopes Muscle Man doesn't give up on basketball because he lost, and that he needs to lose some weight. Margaret approaches Mordecai and says that he looked hot winning the game. Mordecai is excited by this, but when he mentions the website Margaret claims that it's been two months because time moves quickly in space and she had Eileen do it instead. Margaret leaves and the God tells an upset Mordecai to look on the bright side, and focus on the fact that at least Margaret said he was hot.


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