FREE ENERGY devices/ theory 14 - Fire from water: The real truths/ revelations about Cold Fusion.

Описание к видео FREE ENERGY devices/ theory 14 - Fire from water: The real truths/ revelations about Cold Fusion.

In the previous video Joseph P. Farrell explained to us that the Cold Fusion discovery in 1989 had to be stopped by any and all means possible by the Deep State as it would reveal the existence of the Ripple technology, which is a way to create clean/ cheap energy for everybody by means of building safe/ radiation-free nuclear-fusion reactors. This is also why MIT was willing (forced?) to doctor their results to disprove/ ridicule Cold Fusion. [Ref:    • JFK 03 - Dark Journalist: Kennedy’s 1...   ]

This MIT fraud was also mentioned by Dr Steven Greer in his “The lost century” webcast video (    • FREE ENERGY devices/ theory 13 - Stev...   ) at a timing of 1h 00min 30sec, where we can hear that the MIT Cold Fusion report was deliberately/ maliciously changed/ doctored changing positive into negative result, in order to discredit/ scuttle this new energy source. And when Dr. Eugene Mallove tried to bring this forward, then the mainstream Media buried this story.

So here is a full length documentary on old Fusion and all related issues, so we can set the record straight here/ now. [Ref:    • Видео   /    • Cold Fusion: Fire From Water (actual ...   ]

Besides this video here you can also watch the mainstream documentary ‘Phenomenon The Lost Archives - HEAVY WATERGATE The War Against Cold Fusion’ to learn the real truth about cold fusion and how the universities reacted to this new technology…a real eye opener if you still think the world is fair, I assure you. According to this documentary Cold Fusion has been proven to work by several independent laboratories, although it needs to be studied/ improved on further, but in official science/ university circles this is yet another ‘no-go’ area! [Ref: Phenomenon The Lost Archives - HEAVY WATERGATE The War Against Cold Fusion: (need to agree on Cookie - DESELECT ALL works; and watch 2 commercials before the documentary starts) or (not available in Europe) ]

It is therefore high time to bring out these free energy devices that have been held back (for over 100 years now) and actively ridiculed by big business and universities who are under the control of big business as this would disrupt their current economic model. Unfortunately nobody seems to realize that the control of universities is so complete, that they will/ must actively block any new theories/ experimental results if these new insights/ theories/ experimental results lead to new technologies like cold fusion (lattice assisted ‘fusion’) or other free energy devices that would disrupt the current economic system. Unfortunately this also means that the advances in theory must get blocked as well, as if you confirm/ approve the new theory, then the devices are legitimized as well!

Further proof that these technologies already exist comes from a previous Dark Journalist video, where John W. Warner IV comments that he/ his father (who was secretary of the navy in the 1960-80ies) know that there are small nuclear reactors inside the nuclear submarines which nobody is allowed to look at/ investigate, as they are based on ‘top secret’ technology. [Ref:    • Dark Journalist & John Warner IV: The...   (at a timing of 1h 00min 40sec) ] And according to the documentary “Deep Space s02e08 A Secret Base at Dulce” there is a corporation called Hyperion which has developed micro-nuclear reactors years ago, which they only sell to the selected few, as they want to keep the existence of this kind of technology a secret from everybody else. [Ref: (at a timing of 25min 17sec) ]

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