Configure Block Visibility Settings in Drupal

Описание к видео Configure Block Visibility Settings in Drupal

Want to hide a block on specific pages in your Drupal website?

You can do it easily through Drupal's backend.

Here's how to hide a block on your "Contact" page but show it on other pages:

↳1️⃣ Find the block: Hover over the block you want to hide and click the pencil icon.

↳2️⃣ Configure the block: Click on "Configure Block".

↳3️⃣ Adjust the visibility: Go to the "Visibility" section and choose "Pages".

↳4️⃣ Type in the path: In the "Pages" section, type "/contact".

↳5️⃣ Select "Hide…": Choose "Hide for the listed pages". This will hide the block from the "Contact" page.

↳6️⃣ Save your changes: Click on "Save Block".

Your block won't appear on the "Contact" page, but it will still be visible on other pages.

This simple technique lets you control where specific blocks appear on your Drupal site.

This method can be applied to manage the display of any block, giving you greater flexibility in your website design.

You can use the same method to control block visibility based on other settings like roles, content type, and vocabulary:

↳ Roles: Control which user roles can see the block. For example, only logged-in users.

↳ Content Type: Choose which content types the block appears on. For example, you might want to display a specific block only on articles.

↳ Vocabulary: Show the block only when certain tags or categories are applied. This lets you customize content based on specific topics.

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